The Gen Next seems to be always on the lookout for smart and sleek products. From their perspective, smart phones and tablets satisfy all their criteria. These gadgets weigh less so are much more portable than laptops, they are beautifully designed and always an eye candy and most importantly carrying them around is considered to be a prestige symbol.

Another striking point of the Gen next is that it also loves playing video games. To keeping in mind this particular set of customers, there are many gaming apps are introduced in the market every day. Of all the games, billiard games have always remained popular as they are considered to be games that require skill and logic to play it successfully.
We all love playing pool. Be it in a basement, a living room or even a garage, pool games have always been fun. Now one can also play pool on his or her smart phone using apps that are exclusively designed for Android users. One such app is known as ‘Pool Break.’ This app is advertized as ‘giving you a 3D pool playing experience.’ Even if the name is Pool break, other games can be played as well. Other games include Carrom, Snooker and Crokinole. The app uses some great physics fundaments and the graphics are superb. The game can be played against the computer or even against other Android users.

Another app that will be loved by pool players is ‘Pool Master Pro.’ This is definitely not a conventional way to play pool. Here once can see highest scores made by players all over the world. This gives him or her, the idea of where he or she stands as compared to the rest of the world! There are 90 different levels in which the game can be played.

Last but not the least, there is app designed for Android smart phones that is known as the ‘8 ball.’ This app allows you to play the conventional game of poker. Basically there are 15 balls and one ‘8 ball.’ The person who sinks half of these balls and the eight ball first emerges as the winner. However the eight ball can be sunk only after all the other relevant balls are in the pockets, else the other player will emerge as the winner. This app costs only $0.99.