Enable Verbose – Show Detailed Information While Windows Start

At times windows take hell lot of time to start or to shutdown. You are getting frustrated why it is happening but have no idea how to know about the reason. Well here is a registry hack which will tell you what windows was doing that took so long to start or shutdown…

By this registry hack you can get detailed information of what windows is doing during startup, Shutdown, Login or logoff. Activating this will slow down the windows further but as this shows detailed information about what it doing it will be good for troubleshooting purpose. It can also be handy for tuning so if you see any application or file takinga lot of time to load during startup you can remove that from startup. If it is a service you can set it to start in delayed mode (vista only).

I would recommend don’t use this setting turned on always, set it only when you want to troubleshoot as it further slow downs windows. Step to do it are explained below –


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Use OpenDNS to Speed Up Internet Browsing

Have you ever wondered How Domain Name works, and what is domain name ? The name of Website such as Google.com or itechntips.com is called domain name. Now next question is when you put a domain name into your Web Browsers address bar how does it know where is this site located and it opens the correct site ?

So here is answer to your question –

When we type a site address or domain name (itechntips.com)  in our web browsers address bar, The Web browser or our computer find IP address of the computer which is having this site. This is called Domain Name resolving. Now once the Web browser know the exact IP address of computer or web server having pages requested it connect to that computer and download the web page, images etc and show you in your web browser.

All Operating systems uses a DNS (Domain Name Server) to find out IP address of the server having web pages you requested. By default your ISP or Network administrator configures your computer to use their DNS Server. These DNS server may be slow and also takes some time to update. If the site requested by you is not available with DNS server specified it looks for address in Other DNS server and then fetches the web page you requested. This process can take a lot of time and you will feel a slow browsing speed.

You can increase performance of your internet browsing by using more efficient and fast DNS server of your choice.  As Each site you want to visit must be resolved to it’s IP address, the Speed of browsing depends on performance of your DNS server.  Sometime it takes even few second before your computer resolve the Address of Site you requested to see.

OpenDNS  (opendns.com) provides free access to there DNS servers. Anyone on the internet can use their servers and they are very fast and reliable as well. In last 2 years of my experience with them I don’t remember a single instance when DNS server provided by OpenDNS went down. However it happened several times with my ISP’s DNS servers. Using OpenDNS Servers will increase your browsing speed by reducing time taken to resolve your site address or URL to IP address.


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Stay Safe And Secure On Your PC

It is hugely important to maintain your PCs security level. Keeping your computer safe from viruses and other malware, and protecting your privacy and data from prying eyes; should all be a part of your ongoing computer maintenance programme. Not only that, but you’ll also need to have Windows itself. Finally you’ll need to have some kind of backup system in place just in case things go wrong.

Security is a big topic – one that could fill an entire Ultimate guide all of its own. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to stay on top of things. With the right tools you should be able to keep your computer and your data safe without really having to think too much about it. In this article, I’ll be explaining which areas you need to pay attention to and why.

Windows Update – Downloading and installing Windows Updates is an absolute must. Not only do these ensure your system files are up to date, but updates also address security vulnerabilities, both in Windows and other Microsoft programs such as Office. Fortunately, the process can be automated to the point of being (almost) effortless.

Go to Control Panel, Security Center and in XP click on the ‘Automatic Updates’ link at the bottom of the Window. In Vista, click on the Windows Update link on the left of the Security Center, then on Change Settings at the left of the Update window. The default setting is Updates are Automatic and downloaded daily (if available) at 3am.

If you don’t plan on having your computer running or being connected to the Internet at this time, then you have two choices. Either change the time to a more convenient one (I recommend, however, that you keep the checks on a daily basis), or just leave the settings as they are – Windows will automatically check for updates the next time your PC is running and online. This also applies if your computer is in Standby or Hibernate mode. Some updates do require user intervention – you may have to restart your computer or agree to a EULA. You can also opt to have the updates downloaded, but not installed without your say-so. You’ll need to set the time and frequency first, then click the second option from the top. Be warned, however, that you can only install updates this way if you are logged on with Administrator status.


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Registry Hack to Speed Up Your Network

You are tired of getting slow speed on your own Private network? Files present on other system opens very slowly and even it takes a long while to show name of available computers on network. Then you should try this registry hack.

This registry hack will not speed up your network access but it can also speed up your Internet Access speed. While using DialUp connection I have seen a boost of about 25% in internet speed where on higher speed connection it goes about 10-20%.

Increasing Network Browsing Speed

When you accessing your other computer on network, You get slow speed because of a special feature on Windows which is showing scheduled task on other computer. By default when you browsing Networked Computer, you cr computer will query and show the task which are scheduled on other computer. This process consumes some time and thus slowing down the process of showing computer and computer shares over the network. If your system is a bit slow you might feel like your system is hanged while it keep querying for these information.

Windows XP: Speeding Disk Access

The solution to this problem is very simple and straight forward, despite problem itself is a bit complex. As Scheduled task information is not useful for anyone unless you are configuring them remotely, you can safely disable this feature to speed up access to remote computers. This will increase the response time As your computer will not wait for information related to Scheduled tasks on remote computer. This can be done by editing registry and deleting related Registry key. To complete the process please follow the steps mentioned below –


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