At times windows take hell lot of time to start or to shutdown. You are getting frustrated why it is happening but have no idea how to know about the reason. Well here is a registry hack which will tell you what windows was doing that took so long to start or shutdown…
By this registry hack you can get detailed information of what windows is doing during startup, Shutdown, Login or logoff. Activating this will slow down the windows further but as this shows detailed information about what it doing it will be good for troubleshooting purpose. It can also be handy for tuning so if you see any application or file takinga lot of time to load during startup you can remove that from startup. If it is a service you can set it to start in delayed mode (vista only).
I would recommend don’t use this setting turned on always, set it only when you want to troubleshoot as it further slow downs windows. Step to do it are explained below –
- Go To Start > Run.
- Type ‘Regedit’ in run dialog.
- Browse to ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem‘.
- Create a DWORD value called ‘verbosestatus‘.
- Set the value of this newly created item as ‘1’.
- This will enable the status message with detailed information during startup and shutdown.
- To disable this behaviour delete above key or set it to 0.
An alternative for editing Registry is you can use following codes to automate the process without browsing through registry —
To Enable “Verbose Status Message” copy following code in notepad and save the files as “enableVerbose.reg”
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
To Disable “Verbose Status Message” copy following code in notepad and save the files as “disableVerbose.reg”
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Now whenever you want to disable or enable functionality double click on desired function file, you will get a prompt asking “Are you sure you want to add the information in C:………..reg to the registry? ”
Click Yes , and you will get a confirmation message in next step, and you are done.
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